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I can't afford a wheelchair!

This post is accompanying my Instagram Reel that went live today (11/01/22)

‘I wish I could afford a chair like yours:(!’ You can! Well... I can help you. There are so many pots of charity funding sitting waiting to help people like us! It’s just knowing how to access it! I set up the Grant Assistance Scheme for Access Your Life because it breaks my heart knowing disabled people are putting themselves into poverty/ financial difficulties to afford mobility aids that should be provided for them only to find out weeks later that they are not fit for purpose. Mobility aids are meant to be a positive thing to help not hinder!!

Honestly this time last year I was in exactly the same position. Two PIP court tribunals being rejected twice (still not got pip mobility might I add lolz xoxox) a car that was way too small to fit any chair in- deteriorating health conditions sleeping for 18-20 hours a day 5-6 crippling migraines a week often leaving me semi paralysed or in excruciating pain/ with slurred speech/ no speech. My point is……. I wasted a lot of money on 4 different chairs that weren’t perfect for me & ended up putting me more out of pocket! I wish we had a ‘try before you buy’ service…

I know my privilege now to be in the position to have this amazing chair but I also was there where I couldn’t go out the house as I didn’t have a chair that was working (broken chairs constantly etc!)

I’m still at the point now where I’m a disabled individual without carers who cannot get her chair out her car oare in and out the house by myself but the freedom, independence & safety my chair has given be back is amazing.

If I had to advise any disabled person on spending £1000-2000 on 4 chairs not fit for purpose from mobility shops in a year like I did or vs applying for grants for a £6000 chair and raising the money that is custom built perfect for my disability & will adapt and last me the next X amount of years, I know what I’d want to suggest. I just wish I had someone to advise me.

It really sucks that disabled people don’t have anyone other than other disabled people they can trust! Mobility shops are sadly often very sales pitch based and want you to spend money on their products without knowing whether they are actually fit to the user, their needs, terrain and environment. I genuinely don’t think any of the chairs/ scooters I’ve had have been bad products I just don’t think they were right for me at all.

Lauren x


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